So it's been two weeks since my last newsletter issue went out—234: How to Reset which actually a lot of you liked so thanks—but I have a good excuse because my wife and I recently had our first kid.
We are now the proud parents of a baby girl named Ashton. She's cute as hell when she's not be a fussy prima donna and I think we're going to keep her.

I took a month off of coaching so my only job right now is keeping my wife and our little nugget fed, clothed, and rested.
That said, I had two directions this newsletter could go for the next 3 issues.
I could either 1) share something parent / fatherhood related or 2) pull up some of my favorite articles from the archives.
Option 1: Fatherhood / Parent Content
I think the practice of parenting and coaching share a lot of similarities: at their best they are about cultivating the strengths of a human being and helping them grow and thrive in their chosen arena.
I could share some of my reflections as a founder-turned-coach and now new father. As an example, this is a video I made just ahead of my daughter being born on all the ways I expect parenthood to change me as a person, coach, and business owner.

Option 2: Greatest Hits
Many of you have joined this newsletter in the last few years, but I have been writing on the internet for 15 years. There's a lot of material in the archives that I'm very proud of, that I share with clients, and that I suspect many of you would benefit from.
I could pull up 2-3 articles from my back catalog, grouped thematically, that might be meaningful for your professional and business aims. As an example, this is one of my most frequently shared articles about how to stand out in the job search, especially when applying to startups or smaller organizations (not Big Tech). First published 10 years ago, I feel the advice has really stood the test of time.

So the next few weeks can be a choose your own adventure. Where do you want the content to go?